Warning! Photo Heavy Post!
on the metrorail |
I bought a season pass for a place I'd never been to. Stupid right? Well I had heard many testimonials from the park moms, and read their yelp. What convinced me was the quantitative value of this pass. The pass was $75 for 12 months. It allows 4 people (including guests) to come each visit on the pass. I calculated, based on normal admission rates, if I brought 1 extra adult and child with me each time, I only needed to go 4 times in 12 months and the pass pays for itself. Awesome. Not to mention the metrorail stops 3.5 blocks away from the museum for $1 (instead of $10 to park and the gas and traffic).
We left at 10ish (after I ran 2 miles!!! Go me) and got to the museum at 11am. It was kind of crowded in the main room, but all of the side areas were pretty quiet with only a few kids. Mimi ran in without hesitation and started playing. They had play kitchens, a play grocery store, animal exhibits (like milking a fake cow), train station exhibits, miniature play houses, craft areas, building areas, etc. Great for Mimi's age, but maybe boring for a child over 5.
Playing on the train table |
Cooking some steaks |
After 1.5 hrs, we grabbed our strollers and headed over to PF Chang's for lunch. Mimi ate half of my meal and was SO well behaved (compared to other restaurant experiences) and we were back on the train at 2:15, and home in bed by 3pm.
Can't wait to go again, especially with this heat!
All in all the museum was a great experience and a great value. One tuesday of every month they don't allow large groups, so my friend and I decided to mark that date on our calendars and head downtown on that day.
So happy this mess is at the museum and not at my house..... |
Playing at the dollhouse with Allison and her momma |
Playing in the playhouse |
This looks like so much fun!
i love that you are posting a lot...its nice :) looks like you guys are happy in your new place...good for you!! its tough to make a big move like that. :) mimi looks like such a happy little girl, she is just beautiful
i took carter to a kids museum just like this one ON THE SAME DAY you did. so weird!!
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