Sunday, November 28, 2010

Same Santa, Same kid!?

HOLY CANOLI.   That's what I think when I look at these pictures side by side. Same Santa, and what!? is that the same kid?! Holy Canoli.  Inspired by Jess' post on looking back a year in photos, I wanted to share with you all this year's and last year's Santa photo.  I know, I know, we did it a bit early, but my mom only comes at Thanksgiving and she likes to take Mimi, so I indulge her.

Now that I am depressed at how fast my kid has grown and how I want to quit my job and stay home and pop out more babies, I'm going to shower off my run I just took with Lady GaGa around my dimly lit neighborhood (somewhat scary) and pay bills, which will remind me why I'm not trying to get pregnant right now......MONEY.

Oh my Mimilicious, how you have grown! Stop growing up so fast little one!


Jess Craig said...

holy cow - she's really gorgeous. she's gotten even cuter!

Kammy'sMama said...

she really is a beautiful little baby :)

and money sucks. good to see some mimi updates as well as updates about you too!!!