I was smart enough to set the timer on the bread machine so we had warm fresh bread at 8am, a short 4 hours after I went to bed. I'm 26, i'm not old, but i'm too old to be staying up late and trying to function the next day. I had F drop me off on campus where I met with my prof. about some questions I had about the lab and the course in general. This women is about the most freshminded (if that's a word) women I have ever met in academia. She got married in grad school, had a baby on her postdoc, got tenure in 2 years and just had another baby. She's happy, AND succesful. She's kind of an inspiration to me. You find so many MEN prof's around our dept. and academia in general that will tell you, if you want a family you must not want to be successful too. Sad I know. I think with the right attitude, commitment, and support from your family, you can have both. I think F and I will make good parents someday, AND I think I will turn out just fine as a prof also.
Lab was fine today also. I sat next to my bud Gypsy. She is like a female Indiana Jones (maybe a little less dramtic). I get so flustered when she gets ahead of me in lab, not because i'm competitive, well I am but not in this case, but when she gets ahead of me I keep asking her what step is next instead of just reading the lab manual. I was actually whining today because I couldn't figure out this one step, and poor Gypsy was like "just follow the lab book, you'll figure it out." She'll make a good parent too someday, she is so friendly and calm.
I had Lunch/Dinner aka "Linner" at my fav sushi place with my pal Kim today. She and my friend Tina are throwing me a bachelorette party this weekend. I'm kind of excited and scared of what will come! lol. I'm sure we'll all have a good time. There are no drama queens, so we'll just get saucy and wear necklaces and such with genitalia on them I'm sure. :-) I'll post pics later probably!

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