Monday, August 30, 2010

Good News--Weight loss Update Week 8

Well Ladies-I am back with less depressing news than last week.  Today I was 191 lbs.  That means last week I lost 5 lbs from Monday to Friday.  Did I go on a cardio binge (much like my friend Courtney)? Did I crash diet? Did I catch mono?  No to all of the above.  I seriously just kept doing what I knew was right.  I watched my food, and kept up with my running program.  I ate 1900 or less calories per day (some days I even got to only 1500!), and I ran 3 times (one of which I had to stop 1/2 way because I felt sick).  Will I lose 5 lbs this week? Not likely.  I am back on track with my "adjusted" goals.  Remember, I opted to add 0.2 lbs/week loss plan to keep with my Christmas goal of hitting 170 lbs (my first goal weight).

My clothes are all fitting really loosely and I feel awesome.  My legs were tired today from starting week 4 of the 5k101 running program on Saturday.  No knee issues, and my headaches are lessening.

My challenge in the month of September will be the travel.  I am scheduled to take two week-long trips and 1 weekend trip (hopefully involving a chocolate lovers restaurant).  Trips are tricky when exercising/dieting.  Airline travel usually leads to convenient calorie-laden foods found at airports, and breaking routine can lead to lost workouts.  I am going to do my best to avoid these two pit falls.  I am going to pack healthy snacks for airline travel, and bring my running stuff.  With my running sneakers and IPOD in hand no one can break my determination!

1 comment:

Jess Craig said...

you're doing so awesome dude!