Here is me with my Michael Jackson white iridescent legs (my husband took this picture) and Mimi helping me cook dinner
This week's been kind of crazy. I was busy everyday....all day... with no real downtown from morning til' night. Mimi also has decided to wake up at 7am instead of 8am. This is totally fine---it just takes adjustment. Some mornings she sleeps in until 8:30--those mornings rock. We put her to bed around 8pm--usually between 7:45 and 8:15 pm.
I have gotten over my fear of using the at-gym free daycare. When she was really little, before she went to daycare at all, I was like "no way am I letting a stranger watch my tiny newborn baby....and all those germs! She'll get sick...blah blah blah" Shortly after she was 5 months she started part time daycare at my friends home licensed daycare and of course she started swapping spit and coodies with all the other kids and she's had sniffles and stuff ever since. I think in the end it's all worth it for several reasons---
1. She gets to socialize (and get exposed to the germs) with other kids
2. She loves the different toys and change of scenary
3. Her immune system is building stronger with each little cold virus
4. I get to go to work and use my brain and feel good--therefore enjoying the days I do spend with her
They don't change diapers at the gym daycare--this is actually a good thing--no diapers---no fecal contamination. If your kid has a blowout they actually call you over the intercom and ask you to come and "take care of it" lol. I've been using it 2 or 3 days a week now for the last two weeks. I was thinking to myself==she can either be stuck in a stroller for an hour or get to play with cool toys while I workout. I know stroller rides are good too--and I do take her for walks regularly--but she won't sleep in the stroller really and if we go during the day I worry about her getting burned, even with the sunshade up, not to mention bored. So I've been getting in 40 minute workouts on the bike and/or Elliptical machine with some weights to work out my quadriceps and arms. I also have been walking 3.3 miles ~5 times a week with my friend. I've started running again--will save this for another post.
My weight stats to far:
I'm 5'10"
Highest weight (not pregnant) 245lbs *ugh*
Pre-pregnancy 218
Gained 31 lbs while pregnant
Current weight at 8 months post partum 204 (this morning I was 203.8 but I round up)
Goal weight 165lbs
I'm not embarrassed to put those numbers up there--It makes me realize and admit how large I was and it motivates me to keep truckin'
Clothes I haven't worn in 6 years are fitting me. I feel so awesome about it--having pants that I used to not even be able to pull past my thighs fit is crazy, inspiring, and motivating me. It's like I went shopping for new clothes--but they were free and already in my closet!
1 comment:
going to the gym is a nightmare for me. the apartments we live at of course don't have a daycare, so... it means that wyatt sits in his car seat... for oh, like, 15 minutes. he can only handle it for that long. and i would have my husband watch him, but he works nights and sleeps during the day. we literally have a complete opposite schedule. so i'm stuck just taking walks. but it gets so freakin' boring.
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