Oh Mimalicious--I love you more than anything....
Since I did not let myself do any social media stuff this week (minus two slip ups :-)) I kept a little post going of my CRAZY busy week.

Tuesday I only got to see Mimalicious for about 20 minutes the entire day! I worked on my dissertation 9 straight hours and only took 20 minutes to get a sandwich at subway. I had some seriously thoughts about how nice it would be to be a stay at home mom--even if I've spent 10 years in college and grad school to work towards my career--don't even care--spending time with Mimi is more fulfilling than any job I could ever have! Too bad the budget won't allow :-(
Wednesday was a crazy day. I did have two random things to share from wednesday...
-Read an article with Jenny McCarthy stating her son was "undiagnosed" with autism....what? can you be undiaganosed with autism? Did she not make a fortune selling books about her son having autism?
-Also--I was in the shower Wednesday night and wondered...."Is Johnson's & Johnson's baby shampoo really tear-free?" Yes peeps--I smeared a bunch of suds in my eye--not so much as a sting of irritation--on a side note I washed my hair with it for kicks and it cleans pretty nicely! lol
It's now Thursday--which to me is pretty much the end of my week. I had to teach today, so I spent the morning with Mimi, which so so precious and relaxing, just playing with her all morning. This was her this morning playing in a laundry basket while I prepped stuff to cook dinner later. She is wearing a romper my mother in law bought that the weather is just now warm enough for her to wear--except she can barely fit into it! lol Oh well--save it for another baby I guess.

My friend Kim graciously offered to watch her from 10-4 so I could teach without paying the babysitter--thank you so much! I love leaving her with Kim, I know she is doted on all day and kissed 1000 times, just I like I would. Tonite I did a 5.6 mile walk again (Thanks Grace!) in hopes of shedding THE 2 LBS I"VE GAINED THIS WEEK!!! WTF!?
I'm feeling really discouraged and tired of trying and working to lose weight. I feel like it's such an uphill battle. Why is it so easy for some and not others?--Don't answer that, I know the answer. Tomorrow I will go to the gym and keep trying, keep working, keep running uphill (not literally--well maybe that wouldn't hurt). My friend says my blog has too many posts about losing weight--What else would you guys like to know about me besides being a stressed out overweight mom with a cute pudgy baby?
Sorry for the melancholy post--I have some stressful stuff going on that makes me grumpy I guess---