So today is my 15th week. I can't believe next month will be 4 months. Well actually I can believe it. It has been a long sickly hormonal journey so far. I'm happy that my days aren't filled with nausea and gingerale anymore. I've officially put on 1 lb that won't come back off. F and I went to dinner and a movie last night which was nice. We haven't spent much time together with me being busy and tired and him being busy and a night owl. He's taking another grad class this semester but it seems a bit easier than last semester. He's not staying up all night at our kitchen table cranking away on projects like last semester. I'm happy he likes school now and is excited about doing his Masters part time.
I'm trying to plan out how I am going to have a baby and finish my disseratation. I wish I knew other women who have been successful at having a baby and being in grad school that I could talk to for support. I don't know how long it will take me to recover after the baby, or how I well I will be able to focus on writing while being at home with the baby. If there is anyone out there that has done this send me some tips on survival.
I've been doing really well otherwise. We continue to have baby items given to us from our friends who have had kids, which is nice. We have a little pile in our guest room soon to be baby's room. That's another thing I don't know, when do you put together a nursery?
Hopefully people have some good advice. I'll leave you with that today. This rainy weather is giving me the worst headaches ever.
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