Friday, March 4, 2011

OMG This made me laugh...

Okay so when I was nursing 24/7 at home with Mimi for 10 months, I got addicted to youtube moms and blogger.  Seriously--I don't have cable and I would be up all night nursing etc, so I clicked, and watched, and commented and bonded with a few moms.  In fact, there's a few moms I met through this community who I consider true friends and I feel very blessed to have come in contact with them.  Some of them I've gone ahead and met "IRL" and others I hope to someday soon!  But---with the kindred spirits I've found I've found some doozies that really entertain me.  We all know that xxxjoelpolexxx can be very entertaining.  Lately I've been marveling at how pregnant she looks like RIGHT AWAY (and I'm uber jealous at how awesome her stomach looks after 2 previous pregnancies) and also I've been marveling at her vocabulary.  I think that I want to do a post just on the words she repeatedly uses that aren't even true words in the English language--maybe that are "texan" words.  I digress----

This mom, "InformationMommy" formely know as "parkerfur" is self proclaimed educated expert on all things kid.  I say this with sarcasm, because one, she never truly claims to be an expert, in fact, she always throws out that cover your ass disclaimer before she opens her mouth as to not offend people when she dumps her usually somewhat biased opinion on us, and 2, I don't really find her to be any sort of expert (are any of us really?).  I like that she acknowledges that it is important to provide sources of information, but her sources aren't always respectable, and her research methods are often biased, which is frustrating and misleading.  I do respect this woman in that she generally accepts criticism and nasty comments with grace and maturity.  Last night I was relaxing and watching youtube (while my husband was studying for his interview! Yeah!) and I watched informationmommy's video mentioning something about "a troll" attacking her facebook.  The trashy gossip spark in me ignited, I was like "ooooo wonder what the drama is."  I found it.

I laughed so hard at this. Not because of the content, but because this Alyssa Grant women riled up some moms! Holy crap lol.  This woman got exactly what she wanted--attention.  Here is the link to the video Alyssa is criticizing by the way....

Do I dare comment on the content of what this woman said? Bring on my crucification....

I comment this because it has been on my mind A LOT lately.  Why do we as couples decide to have children if we cannot afford to have one parent stay home (at least most of the time) and be the primary caretakers?  I say decide, because Mimi wasn't a calculated decision.  Mimi was a welcomed surprise (read birth control failure).  Believe me, I completely understand that not all families can afford this luxury--me included right now.    I gave this example to my friend Grace the other day....There's "can't afford to go out to dinner" and "can't afford food for dinner."  We cannot afford to have me home full time not working.  BUT--we are made very aware right now that one us should be home with Mimi while she is little (and our other children that are anticipated yet non-existent).  We both agree that we will not have another baby until one us can be home at least most of the time.

When I sit down and think about this it makes my stomach turn--I leave my house at 7:30 am and come home at 5:30 (sometimes 6pm).  Mimi wakes up at 7 and goes to bed by 7:30.  She is at daycare from 8 to 5:30. 9.5 HOURS!  During the week, I see her ~2 hours a day,  the daycare lady sees her 9.5 hours a day.  Just typing that out and saying in my head feels like a knife to my heart.  She has grown up SO FAST, and for about a year now she's done it in a daycare  (albeit a nice daycare run by someone I trust that loves her). Am I a bad parent for putting her daycare? No.  Could I be a better parent and more of a influence to her if I was home with her?  I don't think I even need to answer that question.  Now let me say there are advantages to daycare--these are things I tell myself to help me sleep at night.....  Some that come to mind are socialization and exposure to germs (immunity building blah blah).  So as I tell myself these things to help me sleep better, the other rational side of me knows she would get both of those being a child of a SAHP (stay-at-home-parent) too.

A lot of other stuff this Alyssa woman said was just mean and spiteful, It does seem that Information Mommy is a  great mom/parent. Besides, who made us the judge of what equals a "good mom" or parent?  I'm certainly not perfect and make mistakes and misjudgments all the time.   I admire that she cloth diapers and makes her own babyfood, but I don't think she should get a medal for doing it or anything, but it's admirable.


Jess Craig said...

people are so insane! that chick is for real nuts. i bet mimi likes her life, and that's all that matters. :)

Laura said...

Wow, thanks for the cyber entertainment! Some people are so strange! She is totally just trying to start crap. I believe that parents parent differently but there is no better or worse way. I work and I try to tell myself that in the end Kaleb will be better off, I hope he will respect me and the decisions I made.

I am addicted to Lucy's shameful but I watch all her videos and I am a fan on Facebook. I just think she is so cute. She does seem like a really good mom. I love how cute her kids are! I do find she doesn’t talk too much about things she knows nothing about except her BFìng video in the summer was a little out there with a lot of “facts” that weren’t really facts.

I go on baby centre birth clubs and there is sometimes drama on them too. I have heard that is much worse than though!

I don't care for this informtionmommy but since you posted that link the other day I have been watching her videos..Don’t know why because I think she is a moron! I think the real problem in the states is a total lack of mat leave!! The US needs to get with the times and give you guys a year off paid. I feel really sad when I see her bringing her very young baby to daycare. I really believe that everybody should have the opportunity to stay home for a year! I can't believe her office has a pumping room..That even made me sad, pumping when she should be able to be at home nursing. I guess I am a little left wing but it just seems so unfair!
Daycares here don’t even take kids till 10 months because everyone is off till at least then unless you adopt then you only get 9 months because you don’t get the 12 weeks of recovery from birth.

rebecca said...

Yes, please do a post on Lucy! I feel like I need subtitles when I watch her videos. My favorites are "touch basis," "whaaadn't" and "cain't." OMG!

Shannon said...

I also follow the YT moms' community & in fact make vids myself, but lately I've just stepped back. Its funny how even in a cyber community clicks & cliches are even formed. If your not "natural" parenting, your hurting your children and so on. But, for every bad apple I've found a few good ones too:)