I have to say that this week my personal home life was so nice. Usually I at least have some sort of issue at home, whether it's the toilet not working, or a fight with my husband, etc...but this week I am delighted to say my home life was wonderful--like warm and fuzzy wonderful.
Today I had to pump in a public bathroom for the first time. Yuck---not exactly my ideal environment to pump and store food for my child, but whatever, I made it. Should I write the president of the University and request a lactation room? I mean with almost 80,000 students there are bound to be more mom's like me in need of a clean room with chairs, plugs, a sink and a door for some privacy.
Speaking of pumping---man am I sick of this:
Pumping, storing, labeling, freezing, washing, sterilizing, and repeating.....

you totally should write to the University!!! I bet there are other moms that go to your school who would require this as well. you'd think with all the money the school has they would have a room for breastfeeding moms to pump. good luck :)
um... yeah... i'm only getting my undergrad degree in bio and I feel tired every day! i feel your pains and stress:(
When are you planning on breast feeding until? I pump every ngiht before bed but I am at home with my little guy so it's easier!! I need to pump at night now cause he is sleeping too long at night.
Laura--in response to your question---I plan on pumping/nursing and giving Mimi breastmilk until she is 12 months if possible--My supply has been going down since she is nursing less and I have my montly cycle back so I'm working really hard to make it to 12 months!
Good for you :) I hope things work out for you. My goal is 6 months exclusive then we will see how things go. I would like to go till at least 8 months or until he can get homo milk. I have the same pump as you, isn't that thing amazing!!! I love it.
i've only pumped a few times. for me, it's so much easier to just keep wyatt with me all the time and nurse on demand. i don't know how you do it, but i'm glad you do. you're a good mom you know.
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