Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Reorganizing and Refocusing

That title sounds so "self help" doesn't it?  It almost sounds like a title of a self help book buried in the clearance bin at Booksamillion right?  Well in all seriousness this title really is my life right now.  Hokey as it is, the transition I'm in right now really has me reorganizing in a physical sense and an emotional sense, and that process has led me to focus on what's important to me right now and in the future.

In the physical sense, we're moving homes, which if you've done it a few times you know you finally realize (while packing up your abundant belongings) that you have a ton of STUFF.  Seriously.  Last weekend we rented an apartment, and even though it is the same size as our home essentially as far as sq ft, it really is lacking in the storage we have in our current home (garage, attic, 3rd bedroom closet, patio).  We're going from having those extra spaces to tuck our "stuff" to more space to live in.  This place has bigger bedrooms with awesome walk-in closets, two gorgeous and huge bathrooms (we now only have 1), and a nice size kitchen with much more cupboard storage and a pantry to boot.  We are however, losing a ton of storage.  When we first put down our deposit, we realized that a lot of current furniture won't work.  We got to talking about what we'd sell, what we'd store, etc. and I actually cried over my dining room table.  Really Jen?  The 300 dollar dining room table from Ikea was worth crying over?  I realized that I'm so emotionally attached to STUFF.  The same emotional attachement that led me to store 4 large rubbermaid bins of 0-12 month baby clothes in the attic.  I really need to learn to let go, literally.

Now that I'm a week out from my little furniture loss meltdown, I realize how silly I'm being.  It's furniture and clothing.  What's important isn't the table we eat at in our new apartment, it's the meals we'll have together as a family.  The fun we'll having cooking in our new kitchen, the fact that I get to take a bath without Mimi's bath toys balanced on the edge of the tub.

As I go from room to now cleaning out closets and nooks, I finding this great sense of relief.  We're starting fresh in a new city, in a new place to live. I'm excited to break in the new kitchen, put clean sheets on or bed in our new bedroom, and make our new place our new home (atleast for the first year)
In other random news---we picked up Mimi's bed last night from Potterybarn kids.  Call me smug but they're wood furniture holds up great.  They're decor is of course ridiculously overpriced, but all of the wood furniture I have from them has held up spectacularly to wear and tear and continues to look nice.  We had been window shopping for a bed for the Mimi monster for awhile now.  She needs to get into a real bed.  She can climb in and out of her crib, and now has taken to viciously kicking the rails letting me know she doesn't want to go to sleep.  I love her crib and would really appreciate it if she could lay off on destroying it so the next bambino can use it.  When I saw the bed that I had been eyeing go on sale, I made an executive decision and bought it.  I figure the movers can move it to Austin for me!  I love that you can lower the frame and use it without a boxspring so while she's little she can have it be really low to the ground, then as she gets older we can raise it and add the trundle for extra sleeping space.  Bam, two beds in one!  I think I'll get her a Serta mattress from Sams Clubs and we'll open everything and set it up in Austin.  I think she can make it one more month here in her crib.  For now it sits in boxes in my dining room.  I'm interested to see my husband's reaction when he comes home for a visit next weekend to find two giant potterybarn kids boxes in our dining room.  I have to share a video of Mimi.  It's dark, but her little voice was so cute.  We told her we were going to go pick up her big girl bed, and in the boxes in and on top of the car were her bed.  She kept saying, over and over and over,  my bed! my bed! and patting the box next to her. I love this kid so much.  She is so dang cute lately with her little voice.

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