Monday, May 23, 2011

My house is F'ed Man...

So if you've seen my house, you probably wouldn't guess that I tend to be a little OCD about things (because since I've worked full time it's been a complete mess), but right now it is in disarray to the extreme!  It makes me have so much anxiety.

Since the company is paying for full pack and ship I don't have to pack stuff, but I want to sit there and watch the movers pack my delicates and toiletries etc? No thank you.  So I went to pick up some boxes from the moving company and started packing.  So combine boxes, furniture for sale, and mimi's bed sitting in boxes in the dining room, it's a full house!

Next week we're listing the house for rent. We tried to find a friend or friend of friend to rent, but all those plans kind of fell apart and it's go time.  House needs to be rented by June 20.  I know we won't have trouble renting it, but I hope to find someone chill and easy to deal with.  We've also been dealing with changing our home owners insurance and making repairs, etc, and man it's frustrating.  I think it might be nice to rent for awhile!

I should be working on my dissertation right now....but I seriously have a horrible and headache and super anxiety, so I've thrown in the towel for the day and I'm going to do what makes me feel more at ease. Life's too short man.  I'm going to get done as much as I can so when I go get Mimi at daycare I can just play with her and have fun.  The daycare lady opened her pool up and now the kids get to swim daily.  I know Mimi is going to be so thrilled.  She LOVES the water.  The daycare lady used to be a swim instructor too, which is cool, she guides the kids through some different learning activities in the pool.  I'm excited that our new place has a pool, even if it's for yuppy adults who probably never swim in it!

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