Today was a mixed bag. It started out with me dreaming of wolf spiders hovering over my head while I was sleeping---when my alarm went off at 6:15am I jumped out of bed thinking there were spiders about to fall on me--and if you haven't ever seen a wolf spider frickin' google it and you'll jump too!

The morning got better though, I quietly grabbed my pump and sat at the computer while I pumped for Mimi, who was still sleeping. Normally I nurse in the morning, but I had to get to work early to go out on a lake sampling, so I pumped. I watched youtube and read some really lovely and supportive comments in response to my video about breastfeeding (and considering quitting). That's how I got hooked on youtube you know--nursing and pumping, because when you don't have cable and it's 4am you need something to pass the time!
After I pumped I stepped on the scale to weigh myself as I do EVERY morning because i'm a little neurotic......and.....I was below 200 lbs for the first time in YEARS! I am so pumped. Last week before I got sick with a sinus infection I was around 203 and 205, circling back and forth. 
I am so friggin proud. My husband weighs 196, so when I get below him I am celebrating...and not with food! And I know this is random but I just wanted to thank Courtney and Jess, my fellow youtube/blogger moms that are doing p90x and watching their calories and who motivate me and leave me really supportive comments. You two keep me truckin'.

I am so friggin proud. My husband weighs 196, so when I get below him I am celebrating...and not with food! And I know this is random but I just wanted to thank Courtney and Jess, my fellow youtube/blogger moms that are doing p90x and watching their calories and who motivate me and leave me really supportive comments. You two keep me truckin'.
So back to my day---went to work and had a GORGEOUS day on the water. The weather was calm and cool, the boat ramp wasn't crowded, we had no equipment issues, just gorgeous. I wish I had my camera to show you how beautiful it as out on the water this morning. It was bitter sweet--my last time sampling. This coming monday I start my new job and won't have time to sample anymore. So sad. I hope my lake days aren't over.
The rest of the day was a mixed bag---like this phrase of the day!?---I picked Mimicans up at daycare and all the kids looked exhausted! I guess they were out playing in the sprinkler all afternoon. Mimi has been transitioning from taking two naps to one BIG nap, which is okay, but she's not quite able to make it from 2:30 pm to bedtime with NO sleep in between--by dinner time she's a brat--I think I will push an afternoon nap--albeit a short one for a little while longer. We had fish tacos for dinner made from Mahi fillets and Mimi LOVED it. She ate fish and corn tortillas and cheese and tomatos for dinner.
She nursed for awhile after her evening bath and CRASHED by 7:30 and was snoring away. She was really cute in the tub tonight:

After putting her to bed I ran to CVS and grabbed more bandages for my sliced up hand from the breadknife incident, and picked up some Luna bars :-) Courtney HIGHLY recommends them, so seeing how she is awesome (and they were on sale for 99 cents), I grabbed a bunch of those to try. I shall review my fav flavors after trying them all.
At 9pm I was all geared up in my gym shorts and sports bra ready to do the p90x leg workout and there was a knock at my door---needless to say, a hour later my friend who stopped by left and now I am friggin' exhausted and I"m not going to do p90x tonite. I've tried to do it that late at night before and it was a disaster. I think I'll do it first thing in the morning since I don't have to be to work early tomorrow. I was kind of bummed, I was excited to do it, but I can't stay up until 11:30 working out, I'm so tired from getting up early this morning.
So much other stuff is going on but this random blog post has gone on long enough!
Jess Craig--have a safe drive back from where you are!
Laura--totally enjoying photos of Kaleb in his euro tub!
Courtney--Feel better! I'll be thinking of you!
Grace--have a great trip to LA!
Emily--I hope Leanne feels better!
Enough shot outs!? Okay i'll stop. Bye Y'all!
1 comment:
Very cute bathtub pic!
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