I did something most people thought I was crazy for---I took an airplane trip alone with a 3 1/2 month old baby. It was a little crazy, but a great visit to NY, where I grew up.
We left on Friday and drove to Jacksonville (1 1/2 hour drive) and Mimi slept all the way. Getting my stuff into the airport and checked was a little crazy. I had a large duffle, a diaper bag, and Mimi's carseat. Once I got the duffle and carseat checked it wasn't too bad. It sucks that you have to pay $15 to check your bag. At least the carseat was checked for free. Mimi stayed awake all day on the plane just checking people out. We arrived in Buffalo around 7 pm and got some AWESOME pizza. You forget how good pizza is in western NY. Pizza in FL SUCKS. Mimi went to bed and slept all night in my friend's pack in play.
We spent the entire next day travelling around visiting. That night we went to my mom's and spent the rest of the weekend there.
On the way home Mimi was so pleasant on the flights. I have to say I was very impressed with Airtran. They gave me my own row on all my flights, even though I only bought one seat, they were more than accomdating and polite, can't beat the price ($150 round trip), and the flight attendants even warmed up my bottles ( I pumped a bottle before I left monday morning for the flight). Nursing in the airport and on the plane went fine. I figure--they can be offended by my exposed boob or be offended when my child screams.
Mimi is doing great these days. She can settle herself to sleep sometimes, she still sleeps all night and she is holding her body weight up really well. She goes for her 4 month apt. at Thanksgiving.
I am still at my pre-preggo weight-hopefully I'll go below it soon.
Hope everyone else is well.
Good for youfor traveling with the baby! We are actually planning on visiting my home town about 2 months after the baby arrives. It is a 14 hour car ride! or a 1.5 hour flight, we will see how quiet/tollerant out little one is then decided how we will get there.
Awesome about the weight too! that is one of my concerns about after the baby! how fast did your belly go away!?! I am scared of having like a 2 month old and still havinga belly!! I have tried to stay active through pregnancy so I hope that helps me on the other end.
It think either driving or flying is fine--when Mimi was 2 months she slept soooooo much--if you drive you have less of a chance of catching a cold or flu from the plane--but we've travelled by air twice and she did fine. I just nursed her anytime she fussed. The longest car ride she has had was 3 hours and I just fed her before I left and she slept.
I gained 31 lbs with Mimi, the first 20 came off FAST--the last 10 took awhile--like 2 months! But I just ate what I wanted, walked alot and breastfed. Breastfeeding if the best "diet" ever :-)
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