Hey Everyone!
Just got back last night from a weekend trip to the beach. My friend Grace and her daughter Dahlia came with me to Destin for the weekend. I had to travel there for a one-day conference, so we all just stayed the weekend and enjoyed the beach. We stayed with my friend Julie, who has a house up there. We got to eat seafood and lay at the beach and swim in her nicely heated pool :-) It was Dahlia's (Graces' daughter) first time in a pool, she loved it. Grace even dunked her a couple of times and she didn't' even cry. My friend Julie has a 7 year-old daughter as well that played with us at the beach and pool. She loved playing with the baby too. I can't wait until next spring when i'll have my own baby to bring along. I took a picture of me at the beach (see the beached whale above), I had to prove to F that I let my belly see the sunshine!
I think F missed me a little while I was gone. We got back late last night and I had to get up at 5am to drop him at the airport for a week long business trip. He seemed sad that just as I got back he had to leave. I'm not too bothered by it just because I have so much work to get done in the next two weeks. Is is bad that it makes me feel good that he is sad that we're not together? I mean i"m not happy he's sad, it just makes me feel loved and needed.
On a pregnancy note...this week has been pretty good. The baby kicks so hard that I can see little parts poking out when he/she kicks. I haven't been sleeping the best, but I've been sticking to my 11pm-7am schedule, which I'm pretty thrilled about. Normally grad students don't' roll into work until 10am, by 10am my house is clean, I've done 5 loads of laundry, walked the dog and prepped dinner and am on my way out the door to work. I've started nesting I think, I have this uncontrollable urge to organize and clean things. Mostly to organize things. I don't go for another apt. until May 20th, which is a long stretch from the last apt, but then after that I have to go every two weeks. I think that's all on the pregnancy news...I gained a little bit too much weight last week, gotta do my walking this week!
When I was in Destin, Grace and I hit up the outlets and go some cute baby stuff. I was able to find two affordable nursing bras that actually fit and were comfortable, and I got a bunch of stuff at the Carters and Osh Kosh outlets. F seemed to be happy with my savings savy purchases of unisex sleepers. I did manage to get a smile when I showed him the osh kosh overalls, we both LOVE kids in denim overalls. Girl or boy, our kid will be dressed in denim overalls a lot I bet.
Well have a great week!
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