Well this weekend I decided to start to conquer the "junk room" soon to be "baby's room." The rather small but adequate 3rd bedroom in our house (8*9 ft plus closet), was full of things like our old desk, my wedding dress, piles of my clothes, a baby swing, carseats and various baby items I've been given or have been collecting off of ebay. I emptied the room so I could clean and paint it---but where to put the stuff? So I put everything in our bedroom (also not a large room) piles up around our bed. Then I put a giant pile of clothes on our desk chair in our office. F and I went to Home Depot and tried to compromise on a paint choice. F likes bright vibrant colors, I like more subdued earth tones. I really didn't feel as though I needed to compromise because I'm the pregnant one who has been doing all the work for the room anyway, and I was going to be the one painting! Why should he even get a choice? Ah, but it technically is his house and 1/2 his baby, so my sagy green and his chartruice compromised to a nice "key lime." Then we realized that we had lent all of our painting supplies to my friend Grace, including roller handles, pans, extension, they happen to be painting too. So we bought all new stuff.
I painted the ceiling, trim, and door, now I am moving on to masking off the white from what will soon be KEY LIME! I was supposed to wait until Friday when my mother comes to visit and help me paint, but part of me wants to finish it because I can't stand all the displaced crap piled around our tiny house and the other part of me in controlling and wants to get it done my way without having to argue with my mother!
So it's coming along, I'm trying to not let the clutter around the house get to me while I paint at a leisurely pace, considering my feet have been swollen for 3 days now. I need to learn to take it easy now that it is so late in my pregnancy, my poor body is just having to bear a little too much.
Our shower is this weekend, I'm really excited to see everyone and have a good time. After that I think time will fly until we have the baby---or not, who knows.
Have a great week, hopefully I will too.