Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Who do you take advice from?

Be careful who you take advice from when it comes to your child. I just watched this girl's vlog--and she is throwing out all kinds of incorrect information.


"Buy Soy milk, most babies can't handle the proteins in cow's milk. Babies aren't supposed to have cow's milk period."--that's quite a statement considering you have no factual information to support this statement.

First off, there are milk allergies and lactose intolerance. See the difference:

Milk allergy
is when your baby's immune system reacts to proteins in milk. This only effects between two per cent and seven per cent of babies.

Lactose intolerance is when your baby has difficulty digesting the lactose, or the sugar, found in milk. This is much rarer than milk allergy.

"If I were you I would just go out and buy soymilk.."
WHY? The Department of Health and the British Dietetic Association do not recommend soy formula for babies under six months.

Studies have shown that the aluminum contamination in soy formula's are 3 times as high as cow's milk formulas.
Cadmium was 6 times higher in soy formulas than cow's milk formulas.
Eklund G and Oskarsson A. Exposure of cadmium from infant formulas and weaning foods. Food Addit Contam 16(12):509-19 (1999).

The widespread use of soy-based formula, beginning in the 1970s, is a likely explanation for the increase in early maturation in girls.
Herman-Giddens ME and others. Secondary Sexual Characteristics and Menses in Young Girls Seen in Office Practice: A Study from the Pediatric Research in Office Settings Network. Pediatrics, 1997 Apr;99:(4):505-512.

There are hundreds of other studies like these---Not to mention soybeans as an agricultural crop are sprayed with a lot of pesticides. A large % of soy is genetically modified and it also has one of the highest percentages of contamination by pesticides of any our our foods (followed closely by apples and tomatoes).

I'm not saying soymilk is bad for babies, I'm just saying do some research before you switch your baby to it. Talk to your doctor--

"If your baby is contipated, has diarhea, or acts like she doesn't want to eat...switch to soy formula..."

These are also all symptoms of gas in infants:

• Burping/belching
• Flatulence (passing gas)
• Abdominal bloating or distension
• Abdominal pain or cramps
• Vomiting or spitting up (posseting)
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Crying
• Sleep disturbances

Don't just run out and switch to soy if your baby is overly fussy one night. If you see blood or mucus in your babie's stool--call your doctor--this is a symptom of an allergy to milk protein.

I think the only thing I agreed with her on is using the liquid formula when possible instead of powder--but not for the reason she mentioned--but because the FDA pointed out that powdered infant formulas are not commercially sterile products. Powdered milk-based infant formulas are heat-treated during processing, but unlike liquid formula products they are not subjected to high temperatures for sufficient time to make the final packaged product commercially sterile.

To top this blog off--I have never used formula, so I'm not speaking from experience, I'm posting information from scientific research.

Just because you throw up a disclaimer saying "i'm not a doctor but here's my advice" doesn't mean your information couldn't hurt people.

I would post a response directly to her, but she doesn't post any comments that are in any way negative to her--which I also think is counter productive. Also, she tends to take advice that is opposite as hers as a personal attack--which is not the case at all. Friendly debate is a healthy and informative way to exchange information.


Unknown said...

Have you noticed how quickly people jump to the conclusion that it just MUST be a milk allergy or lactose intolerance issue? I feel like at least half the people out there don't actually have an issue. Just an imagination.

JKL said...

Yes--I think people jump to that conclusion--perhaps pediatricians do too.