Today is my husband's 28th Birthday! Franco's friend Matt is staying with us while he looks for a job and apt. here in town (probably worth another blog post for my feelings on this), so last night I cooked him a big spaghetti and meatball dinner and made him his favorite dessert--Carrot Cake. Him and his friend went out to a bar afterwards and I stayed home with Mimi. The recipe I used came out so moist and delicious! Here's a link to the Recipe:
I substituted 3/4 cup canola + 1/2 cup applesauce instead of the oil amount they suggested,I added a few more spices (more nutmeg/cinnamin type spices) I also added 1 cup crushed pineapple with the juice squeezed out, and I added a couple tablespoons of pineapple to the icing instead of vanilla. If you like carrot cake give this one a try. Now that I've been making cakes from scratch each time I hate eating cakes from a box. I'm become a cake snob, geesh I know. I aslo made some really good chocolate drop cookies, I found the recipe in Marth Stuart's Magazine, I guess she has a cookbook of just cookies and this was a sample of the recipes, the came out great and were very chocolatey and delicious! I'll post the recipe if anyone is interested.
So I let my husband sleep in, Mimi fell asleep last night at 11, and she woke up at 7:35, which I'm cool with. She's been sleeping through the night (8-9) hours consistently now with 2 long naps in the day as well. Tonite I have a babysitter coming over that I hired last week and we're all going out for dinner and drinks with 10 or so friends. That is all F wanted to do for his birthday was go out for drinks.
My friend Grace thinks i'm crazy for leaving Mimi with a babysitter that I just met. I posted an ad on this site called Sittercity (, and then 20 or girls responded to my ad. You can go and check their profiles with contain info about them, their experience with kids, their preferences (# of kids, pet friendly, rate they charge, etc), and then their contact info. I spoke to 3 of them on the phone then had each of them come over to meet me and Mimi for an hour or so. I'm going to have each of them babysit once and see how it goes. Then I'll probably pick a fav. I think I know who my fav is already, but I'm gonna give each girl a chance. Most of them are nursing majors from the local college.
Well, everything else is going pretty well. We're getting into a good routine, Franco is a fabulous father and great at taking care of little Mi, the weather is finally cooling down. This month is so busy, F is going to San Franciso for a week for work, we're going to Portland for my brother's graduation from culinary school, and Matt is living with us in our tiny house! Busy Busy. I still have those last stubborn 5 lbs, but I haven't really had time to work out, hopefully I'll make time in schedule for that now that I don't get interupted sleep at night.
I'm going to do a video soon of Mimi's nursery and some products I like and products I think are a waist of money.
Thanks to everyone that reads and comments.